
Behind the scenes as a memory clinic nurse

BTS of the memory clinic

I often have older adults come into the memory clinic who are not concerned about their memory but their GP had some concerns. 

One client who was not concerned showed some memory loss with a score of 71/100 on the Addenbrooke’s cognitive test. They were unable to recall three words after a delay. They incorrectly copied two intersecting pentagons and a 3D cube. They were unable to tell me the date and the day correctly.

This patient has no concerns with cooking, cleaning, or gardening.  

They had a CT brain scan booked so will come back once the scan is done to see one of our doctors.

It might be that this patient is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease but without there also being an impact upon her daily life it is not dementia. It might be that her high IQ helped to delay the onset of memory difficulties.

Exercise is so important for a healthy brain.

Helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the brain

Encourages a healthy microbiome

Supports the growth and repair of brain cells

Aids in depression prevention

Aids sleep

It helps the heart to pump harder resulting in increased oxygen and nutrients reaching the brain. This results in better cognition immediately. Exercise also helps to decrease our heart disease. We should take care of our brain in the same way that that we take care of the heart.

It helps to encourage a healthy microbiome in the gut which may encourage brain health.

It encourages the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factors or BDNF. BDNF promotes the growth of new brain cells as well as supporting existing brain cells.

Exercise leads to feel-good endorphins being released. Depression is a risk factor for dementia. Therefore, regular exercise could help minimize our risk of dementia by reducing depression.

Sleep is so important for dementia prevention. It helps to lay down the memories from the day and to clear away proteins that could lead to amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise helps to tire us out and help towards a good nights’ sleep.

I continue to work in the memory clinic alongside my Nutritional Therapy practice.

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